USMMA Drill Team after action

Glad to report that the drill team had a great New Orleans experience. Thanks to all who helped.
———- Forwarded message ——— From: 2023Fortin, Morgan <[email protected]> Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 11:33 AM Subject: RE: NOLA Update To: KPNOLA Alumni <[email protected]>
Good Morning Sir,

Ultimately the experience was a super positive experience! The United States Merchant Marine Academy Drill Team attended the Tulane Mardi Gras Drill competition and was honored to compete alongside USAFA, USMA, USNA, Texas A&M, and many other schools. Our Cologuard Bravo was honored to place in the top ten. We found the competition to be super challenging especially with our young team.

While in New Orleans the Drill Team stayed aboard the Cape Kennedy and Cape Knox, many of the team spending their first night aboard a ship. This served as a huge culture shock to everyone who had not been on a MSC vessel. The location of the ship was super convenient and in general a great experience!

In addition the USMMA Drill Team was honored to march in the Krewe of Tucks parade representing USMMA and the Merchant Marine service. It was fun to march behind the Funky Tuks. It made for a really long day! Again this was the first Mardi Gras parade for our entire team. Again a great experience we recommend for next year’s team!

In addition we ate several great New Orleans Restaurants including: The Crazy Italian Pizzeria, Acme Oyster House, Café Du Monde, and so many amazing other eateries. Big thanks to all the alumni that supported us for the parade, food, and in general.

Very Respectfully, MIDN LCDR Morgan Fortin 1/C Regimental Drill and Ceremonies Officer Co-president of USMMA Summit Club Drill Team Captain Class of 2023 505-382-1100

— Acta Non Verba
Nicholas Owen ’01 Chapter President on behalf of The Board